One of the reasons that I admire Brittany so much is because she's so passionate about what she does. She's passionate about art, about music, about improv, and she's passionate about our dream cafe. And I realized today, that I am too. Not just, yeah, that sounds great. I am excited about it.
I want you, various readers, to be excited too.
What Practically Perfect will be, is a place that you'd want in your community. Somewhere where you can see the paintings that your neighbour did, hung up on our walls. Somewhere where you can see that novel that a friend of a friend published, sitting on our shelf. Where you can gather to hear a local band play. Where you can sit and talk to an old friend, or a new friend. Where you can sit quietly and read. The sort of place that feels right. No cookie cutter layouts, no carefully reconstructed facsimiles. Just a place that is what it is, and makes you feel good.
Maybe Practically Perfect won't be happening now. Maybe it will remain a dream for years. But someday, you'll be walking down the street, and you'll see our sign on an old Victorian house. And, dear reader, I want you to go in. Because, if all goes as planned, you'll find the sort of place you're proud to have in your neighbourhood. A place that makes sense to you.
And we hope, that when that day comes, you go on in for tea.
And we hope that it is delicious.